When it comes to speed, lizards are some of the fastest reptiles on the planet. Their ability to sprint across various terrains isn’t just impressive, it’s a critical survival skill that helps them escape predators and hunt prey. For those enjoying herping, the search for some of these lizards can oftentimes be quite a challenge but don’t let that stop you from your next adventure! From the frilled dragon dash to the Peretine’s powerful sprint, these fastest lizards highlight the incredible agility of reptiles. Get ready to explore their fascinating speed and adaptations!
Top 5 Fastest Lizards
5. Frilled Dragon
- Scientific Name: Chlamydosaurus kingii
- Top Speed: 15 mph / 24 km/h
- Where it’s found: This fascinating lizard can be found in parts of Australia and New Guinea.
- Why it’s fast: The frilled dragon can run on its hind legs, allowing it to move across the ground more quickly.
- Fast Fact: Known for its neck frill, it runs off to escape a threat.
4. Collared Lizard
- Scientific Name: Crotaphytus collaris
- Top Speed: 16 mph / 26 km/h
- Where it’s found: They can be found in Southwestern United States (through Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, and New Mexico) and Mexico.
- Why it’s fast: This bright green, tan, olive, blue, and yellow scaled lizard is able to be so quick due to its powerful hind legs and lightweight body.
- Fast Fact: This lizard is capable of running on its hind legs representing a miniature dinosaur.
3. Six-lined Racerunner
- Scientific Name: Cnemidophorus seclineatus
- Top Speed: 20mph / 32km/h
- Where it’s found: They can be found in Southeastern and Central United States (from Maryland to Florida and west to Missouri and Texas) and Mexico.
- Why it’s fast: The six-lined race runner has long hind legs and burst sprinting ability makes it possible for them to cover ground quickly.
- Fast Fact: This lizard’s speed is fueled by its high metabolism which is good since they rarely rest.
2. Green Iguana
- Scientific Name: Iguana iguana
- Top Speed: 22 mph / 35 km/h
- Where it’s found: This lizard lives in Central and South America, they’re built for both climbing trees and running on land.
- Why it’s fast: Due to its larger size, they have more powerful legs resulting in their speed being faster.
- Fast Fact: They use their long muscular tails to balance while running.
1. Perentie
- Scientific Name: Varanus giganteus
- Top Speed: 25 mph / 40 km/h
- Where it’s found: The perentie is native to Australia and can only be found there.
- Why it’s fast: Thanks to its long, slender, and muscular body its capable of sprinting across terrain.
- Fast Fact: They have incredible endurance which allows them to maintain speed over long distances.
Speed is essential for the survival of many lizards, helping them escape predators and move effortlessly through their environments. If you’re lucky enough to spot one on a herping tour, you’ll see firsthand just how quick they are. Keep an eye out for these remarkable reptiles on your next adventure, they’re a powerful reminder of nature’s wonders. Each encounter makes herping an exciting and unforgettable experience, bringing you closer to the fascinating world of wildlife.